
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Working For Less Law

It is a foregone conclusion that the Republican controlled legislature in Madison, Wisconsin will pass a so-called “right-to-work (for less) law, and probably within the next week. They have been itching to do it ever since Scott Walker became Governor. But while it might be a done-deal, please don’t tell the workers of Wisconsin this is all about them.
Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) recently proclaimed just that. “This is  . . . about worker Freedom!” At the same time Mr. Fitzgerald was also calling unionism an “antiquated system,” and they had to change it.
Now who would benefit from such a radical change?
Some of the supporters of this “worker rights” law turn out to be the very manufacturers that many of these workers work for! What a coincidence. These people (and other ten percenters) would be able to pocket more of their profits, while the workers would loose wages, benefits, buying power, and their middle class status—and perhaps their homes.
The fact is that it is quite possible the state as a whole could suffer economically because of this move by the Republican legislature and its governor. The truth is there is little if anything to support the dismantling of unions. Remember, “right-to-work” laws started in the south, in places like Alabama and Mississippi, and such states hardly stand out as economic powerhouses and job creators. Quite the opposite! And such a law will not solve Wisconsin’s nearly $2 billion deficit.
So why do it? For some years now the Republicans have had their eye on the old rust belt states of the Midwest. Their first move was to attack and destroy public unions, so now it is the private unions they have in their sights. Once upon a time, these states had some of the strongest union supporters in the country, but since hard times have hit (US corporations moving to China, dropping of tariffs, etc.) unions have been on the decline. Nationally, unions only make up 7% of the private workforce. What better time to strike? And don’t forget if the unions disappear, there will be less money and support for Democrats! Suddenly there will be little or no political competition. (China and Russia have a single party system, too!)

But this Republican show is not just about workers in Wisconsin. The Republicans want to go beyond the state’s limited borders. Walker and other candidates want to take their philosophy to the nation. A president Walker would be able to do that. But keep in mind those who will benefit. Will it be the workers? Think again! If the Republicans can put one of their own in the White House while maintaining control of the Congress, they will have found the Holy Grail. No more national labor laws. Public schools might disappear. No more Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid, as we know it, to name a few changes. To paraphrase Republican President Calvin Coolidge, The business of America will be business, again. And, once again, the wealthy will have their proper place in the sun.