
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sweetheart of a Deal For a Sweetheart of a Guy

     With the clock ticking-down on the debt ceiling and financial Armageddon looming, it can be said one Senator above all the other 99 came out on top . . . and it wasn't Harry Reid. Sure, Reid and the Democrats won on the debt ceiling issue, but only one Senator got paid for it with hard cash!

     Let’s go back to just a short time ago. We quickly and silently buzz our way behind the scenes to the Senate conference room and become the proverbial fly on the wall. It’s just a few hours before the auspicious hour when the country goes into default; millions of jobs are on the line; financial institutions around the world are holding their collective breath. Something has to be done. A deal must be struck! Finally, a lone, courageous Republican steps forward willing to brave the swirling waters of compromise. He furtively takes Senator Harry Reid (D) aside and says he is willing, but there is a catch! He will convince his colleagues on the other side of the aisle to go along with the deal only if the Democrats and the President agree to his terms. He boldly presents his idea behind closed doors.

     To clinch the agreement, Senate Majority Leader Senator Reid and President Obama must grant Republican Mitch McConnell {R} Kentucky and Senate Minority Leader a boon of $2.9 billion for his state . . . and his re-election bid.

     Like so many Republicans, McConnell is running against a Tea Party candidate in his primary election back home and could use all the help he can get, even if it has to come from "Democrats!” 

     Apparently, even fiscal conservatives are just like the rest of us. They may scream bloody murder about taxes, and bellow like a bull moose how big the national debt is, but if the money will help something they want, their precious ideals go right out the window. Give me the money!

     According to reports, the extra $2.9 Billion will fully fund a dam project back in Kentucky and will actually save taxpayers money!

     What do you think Kentucky voters? Isn’t Mitch McConnell the type of guy you want to represent your state! He was obviously thinking of you when he went to the Democrats to broker this latest deal. Of course, he had to hold his breathe from the stink of those dirty Democrats and he had to take a shower after the meeting, but he did it for you.

     Remember, McConnell was the one who said the main goal of the Republicans was to make President Obama a one-term president! Well, when you can’t beat them, take them for some money. 

     The strange thing is that the Democrats can actually deal with someone like McConnell. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours is something that must be inherent in any political system or that system fails. As odd this may sound, Congress needs people like McConnell on both sides of the aisle. Without them, nothing gets done. The so-called “peoples business” will get shoved into some dark, dank closet to mold-away to nothing while the parties have at each other. Tea Party types might like that, and they may indeed thrive on such mold. But for the rest of the nation, things need to move forward in order to “promote the general welfare and to insure domestic tranquility.”

     For those of you who aren’t happy unless you are complaining about the government, take heart! The fight over the debt isn’t over. No doubt we will all be back in this same position again in February when it comes up for another vote in Congress. (Sooner for refunding the government) I too will want to be present to see how many other gifts the taxpayer will bestow upon some worthy politician in order to pass that bill. Maybe McConnell could come back for seconds. Hell, if Congress revisits the debt ceiling every three months or so, every politician could conceivably get his/her money.

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